Eggs Unlimited (release branch 6)

Last updated: Thu Mar 13 18:15:03 2025

A library of extensions for the CHICKEN Scheme system.


Just enter

  chicken-install EXTENSIONNAME

This will download anything needed to compile and install the library. If your extension repository is placed at a location for which you don't have write permissions, then run chicken-install with the -sudo option or run it as root (not recommended).

You can obtain the repository location by running

  csi -p "(repository-path)"

If you only want to download the extension source code, pass the -retrieve option to chicken-install:

  chicken-install -retrieve EXTENSIONNAME

For more information, enter

  chicken-install -help

List of available eggs


Language extensions

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
matchable Hygienic MATCH replacement Public Domain Alex Shinn 1.2
miscmacros Various helper macros BSD felix winkelmann 1.1
prefixes prefixing in er-macro-transformers made easy BSD Juergen Lorenz 2.0
record-variants Optimized record access BSD Jim Ursetto 1.2


Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
http-client High-level HTTP client library BSD Peter Bex 2.0
sendfile Sending a file over the network BSD David Krentzlin 3.0


Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
fmt Combinator Formatting BSD Alex Shinn 0.8.13


Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
postgresql Bindings for PostgreSQL's C-api BSD Johannes Groedem Peter Bex 5.0.1
sql-null A convenience extension for representing SQL NULL values Public Domain Ivan Shmakov 2.1

OS interface

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
posix-groups Access POSIX group information BSD The CHICKEN Team 0.3
scsh-process A reimplementation for CHICKEN of SCSH's process notation. BSD Peter Bex 1.7.0

Interfacing to other languages

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
bind Automatically generate bindings from C/C++ declarations public domain felix winkelmann 1.4

Web programming

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
colorize Colorize programming code as HTML MIT Brian Mastenbrook, converted to Scheme by Peter Bex Peter Bex 0.6
html-parser A permissive, scalable HTML parser. BSD Alex Shinn 0.4.1
intarweb A more convenient HTTP library BSD Peter Bex 3.0
qwiki qwiki - the quick wiki BSD Peter Bex 2.3
spiffy A small but powerful web server BSD Felix Winkelmann Peter Bex 6.4
uri-common Parser for common URI schemes BSD Peter Bex 3.0
uri-generic URI generic syntax (RFC 3986) parsing and manipulation. BSD Ivan Raikov, Peter Bex, Seth Alves 4.0

XML processing

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
ssax Oleg Kiselyov's XML parser Public Domain Oleg Kiselyov, ported to CHICKEN by Kirill Lisovsky, packaged as an extension by felix 5.1.2
sxml-serializer Serialize SXML to XML and HTML BSD Dmitry Lizorkin 0.6.1
sxml-transforms The SXML transformations (to XML, SXML, and HTML) from the SSAX project at Sourceforge Public Domain Oleg Kiselyov 1.5.0
sxpath The sxpath bits of sxml-tools from the SSAX project at Sourceforge Public Domain Oleg Kiselyov, Kirill Lisovsky, Dmitry Lizorkin 1.1

Documentation tools

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
chicken-doc-html Generate HTML from (svn)wiki SXML BSD Jim Ursetto 0.4.1
manual-labor Generate static HTML manual from wiki docs BSD Jim Ursetto 0.4
svnwiki-sxml Parse svnwiki to sxml BSD Jim Ursetto 0.3.1

Egg tools

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
henrietta-cache Fetch and cache extensions from various sources for Henrietta to consume BSD Peter Bex 1.7
lay Lay eggs efficiently BSD Pietro Cerutti 0.3.1
pseudo-meta-egg-info Provide automatically generated release-info and a pseudo-"meta"-file for eggs in svn Public Domain Peter Bex 1.2
salmonella A tool for testing eggs BSD Mario Domenech Goulart 3.2.0
salmonella-diff A tool to diff salmonella log files BSD Mario Domenech Goulart 1.1.1
salmonella-html-report A tool to generate HTML ouput out of salmonella log files BSD Mario Domenech Goulart 1.7.2

Object-oriented programming

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
coops A featureful object system BSD Dorai Sitaram and felix winkelmann 1.5
prometheus The Prometheus Object System. BSD Daniel Ziltener 1.0.1

Algorithms and data-structures

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
coin-change Greedy solver for the coin change problem unlicense siiky 1.0.4
defstruct A more convenient form of define-record BSD Dorai Sitaram 2.0
disjoint-set Disjoint set implementation based on Scheme vectors and their indexes unlicense siiky 0.1.0
iset Integer sets BSD Alex Shinn 2.3.1
srfi-1 SRFI-1 list library BSD Olin Shivers The CHICKEN Team 0.5.1
srfi-13 SRFI-13 string library BSD Olin Shivers The CHICKEN Team 0.3.6
srfi-14 SRFI-14 character-sets library BSD Olin Shivers The CHICKEN Team 0.2.3
srfi-69 SRFI-69 hash-table library BSD The CHICKEN Team The CHICKEN Team 0.5.2
symbol-utils Symbol Utilities BSD Kon Lovett 2.6.1

Data formats and parsing

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
base64 Encoding and decoding of base64 strings BSD James Bailey, Jim Ursetto 1.1
input-parse input-stream tokenizing and parsing routines. Public Domain Oleg Kiselyov. Ported to chicken by Shawn Wagner. 1.2
silex An efficient and powerful lexer generator BSD Danny Dubé 1.1
utf8 Unicode support shim BSD Felix Winkelmann 3.7.0


Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
csm a build system BSD felix 0.6
egg-tarballs Creates tarballs for eggs in henrietta cache BSD Mario Domenech Goulart 1.0.1
feathers A simple debugger for CHICKEN BSD felix winkelmann The CHICKEN team 0.1


Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
test Yet Another Testing Utility BSD Alex Shinn 1.2.2
test-utils Test Utilities (for test egg) BSD Kon Lovett 1.1.1


Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
simple-md5 Computes MD5 (RFC1321) checksums Public Domain Colin Plumb, packaged for Chicken by Peter Bex Peter Bex 0.2.1
simple-sha1 A fast and simple SHA1 implementation with minimal dependencies Public Domain Steve Reid and felix winkelmann felix winkelmann 1.3

Code generation

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
crunch An embedded compiler for a statically typed subset of R7RS Scheme BSD felix winkelmann 0.95


Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
apropos CHICKEN apropos BSD Kon Lovett 3.11.3
check-errors Argument checks & errors BSD Kon Lovett 3.8.3
chicken-blob Replacement for CHICKEN 5's 'blob' module BSD Felix L. Winkelmann 0.2
compile-file Programmatic compiler invocation BSD The CHICKEN Team 1.4
memory-mapped-files Memory-mapped file access for UNIX and Windows BSD The CHICKEN Team, Windows support by "rivo" 0.6
regex Compatibility library for old regular expression API BSD felix winkelmann The CHICKEN team 2.1
srfi-35 SRFI-35 Conditions MIT Richard Kelsey and Michael Sperber Sergey Goldgaber 0.1
svn-client A wrapper around Subversion's libsvn_client C library. Public Domain Alejandro Forero Cuervo Peter Bex 1.3
this Python's "this" module ported to CHICKEN BSD Mario Domenech Goulart 0.1
typed-records Typed variants of various record-definition macros BSD felix winkelmann megane 0.83

Concurrency and parallelism

Name Description License Author Maintainer Version
srfi-18 SRFI-18 thread library BSD The CHICKEN Team The CHICKEN Team 0.2.0

Generated with CHICKEN 5.4.0